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eSignatures: An easier way to sign

Paperwork is a big part of your job as a funeral director. Why should getting signatures be a hassle?

It doesn't have to be.


Get all the signatures you need without the stress.

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Sign with one click

You don’t have time to waste on inefficient processes. With one click, your signature will auto-fill in all the required fields to save you time when filling out paperwork.

eSignature Landing Page Drag Drop

Customize your forms anyway you like

With drag and drop fields, you'll be confident your forms have everything you need and nothing you don’t, from who signs what to where they sign.

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Track the status of each signature

See the signature status for any case at a glance and easily send reminders to family members right from Passare.

And when a form is completed, you’ll get notified right away.


Your families will love it

Families can quickly sign documents electronically in Planning Center, a dedicated online workspace to help them navigate the entire planning process.

Learn more about Planning Center here
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Your Complete Guide to eSignatures

Want to learn more about eSignatures in Passare?

Read this guide and learn how our tool works and see how it compares to other eSignature tools.

Read now
Gary Rigdon

Gary Rigdon

Brownfield Funeral Home

“We’ve used eSignatures quite a bit since we’ve been serving families that either don’t want to come to the funeral home or are out of town. This feature helps a lot in getting all the signatures we need for cremation, our contracts, and other required paperwork.”

Don't waste another minute of your time gathering signatures the hard way. 

Get eSignatures today