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Guides, case studies and eBooks for the curious funeral professional

If we want to grow, we have to keep learning. Here's a place to get started!

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eSignature Guide

In this guide, you’ll discover the pros and cons of different eSignature tools for funeral homes and how to choose the right one for your team. Plus, see how Passare’s new and improved eSignature tool works to simplify the signing process.

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The New Funeral Consumer

Want to connect and communicate better with the changing funeral consumer?

Check out these insights from a study we conducted with Funeral Directors Life and McKee Wallwork + Co.

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A New Way to Think About Change

Your business' future shouldn't be the elephant in the room. Start making changes today and push your business forward by creating new ways to connect with families.

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Hospice Guide 

Read this guide and find new ways to collaborate with hospice and better serve families. Inside, you'll find a 3-step plan, along with tips and ideas to build a strong network of care for families in hospice. 

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Collaborate Online with Your Families

Families have shifted how they prefer to communicate with businesses, and the funeral profession is no exception. Learn how to reach more families online in this eBook.

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How to Successfully Switch to a New Software

Passare goes above and beyond to make it as easy as possible to switch to a new software solution. Read our Implementation Playbook to see how our clients successfully transition to Passare, step by step. 

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Elevate Learning with Passare

Passare is partnering with mortuary schools across the nation to prepare future funeral directors to serve families using the most advanced funeral home management software available on the market. Download this eBook to learn more!

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