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4 Ways to Use Dashboards to Organize Your Day And Your Work

February 2023 Featured Images

Written by Peyton Sanders, Passare Marketing Strategist


Rise and shine!

It’s 8:00 a.m. You pull up to the funeral home, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to start your day. You walk into your clean office and sit down at your decluttered desk. You remember that you completed all your tasks and responded to all messages before you left the office right at 5 p.m. the day before. Now you’re greeted by a clean inbox and zero notifications to filter through this morning.


We all know that this is the type of morning funeral directors can only dream about.

While the cleanliness of your desk is something you’ll have to take care of on your end, one thing we know how to help with is organizing unfinished tasks, unread emails, neglected messages, and a chaotic calendar.

Enter whiteboards.

No, we don’t mean the large physical whiteboards that rely on dry erase markers. Those are tedious to update.

We mean a digital whiteboard that you can see every time you login to Passare.

With it, you never lose track of what needs to be done because everything is on your homepage, and it updates automatically. Information entered into Passare immediately syncs to your dashboard, saving you from re-typing information. No dry erase markers required!

Take a look at these 4 ways you can use dashboards to better organize your day and your work.

4 ways to use dashboards in your funeral home

Whether you’ve been using a physical whiteboard or using a Passare dashboard, let's talk about the ways you can use dashboards to get the absolute most out of the feature.

Getting set up

It takes about a grand total of 30 seconds to set up a personal dashboard in Passare. All you have to do is name your dashboard, select the handy dandy widgets you want from the available list, and choose how often you want your dashboard to refresh.

A lot of funeral directors have their dashboard update every minute, so they never miss a thing. If you want to add a little spice, you can even drag and drop the different widgets to put your favorite ones where you want them.

Now that we’ve covered the basics and have a primary dashboard set up, we’ll go through 4 ways you can use dashboards to your advantage.

#1: Create a customized case listing page

Easily access case information that’s important to you by creating a customized case listing page on your dashboard. The case listing page is completely customizable to each individual user and can be adjusted depending on the user’s role. 

Not sure what to add? Ask yourself this, “What case information am I constantly having to look up in a case?”

By adding this information to your dashboard, you can see important details every time you log in rather than having to search a specific case for the details you need.

To get you started, here’s a list of the most commonly displayed columns funeral homes add to their dashboards:

  • Case Identifier

  • Decedent Full Name

  • Decedent Date of Death

  • Case Disposition Type

  • Service Date

  • Service Details

#2: Manage cases that are initiated by Answering Service for Directors

First, if you don’t use our integration with Answering Service for Directors (ASD) to take first call information – you’re 100% missing out. If you are using ASD, try this on for size: you can use dashboards to manage cases initiated by ASD.

If you’re new around here, let us first explain that Passare integrates with ASD so you can create cases based on the death calls they receive. Once ASD takes a call, it creates a Pending case on your dashboard, where you can decide if you want to create a case, merge with an existing, or delete the entry altogether. Now, you don’t have to track down which case is added where, because you can manage them all from your Passare dashboard.

Not only does our ASD integration bring information into Passare, but it also sends information to ASD. This is great for when families call after hours and need to know details about services, obituary, etc.

With this widget added to your dashboard, you can check new cases initiated by ASD in one place – on your Passare dashboard. From there, you can open each case, merge a case with an existing one, or close the case. Talk about maximum organization!

#3: Keep up with pending eSignatures on your dashboard

Electronic (or digital) signatures are the future of case management. So, instead of printing, scanning, and faxing paperwork, do it all in Passare.

With dashboards, you can skip the hassle of manually keeping up with pending signatures by managing the status of all your outstanding signatures with Passare Dashboards. Updated statuses will appear on the dashboard of each signature you need to complete forms you’ve sent out to families.

#4: Create dashboards for the whole team

Now, you might be thinking, “A personal dashboard on my iPad isn’t going to help my entire team stay organized.” Think again! You can create a dashboard for the entire team to stay up to date on the latest events.

Creating a shared dashboard is easy. All you need to do is all you need to do is customize your dashboard, select the names of the people to share it with, press save, and you’re done!

After you’ve shared your dashboard for everyone to view on their personal devices, here’s where the really cool part comes in. You can put your digital dashboard up in the back room for the whole team to see, just like your old whiteboard. Many of our customers will set up a large screen TV in the back room to display the shared dashboard. That way, staff members can quickly see the most up to date information on tasks, current cases, upcoming appointments, and other details.

And for those who like the bells and whistles, it can also auto-scroll. :wink: See more of Passare >>>


Every day is different, but your dashboard keeps up

These are just 4 of many ways you can use dashboards to organize your day. With the ability to see everything at a glance, you’ll be able to keep track everything down to the smallest details. So, what are you waiting for? Set up your dashboard in Passare today and achieve maximum organization. 👊

Need extra help?

View our help articles to see how you can create a personal dashboard. If you’re not sure exactly where to start, contact our support team, they’d love to help you out!

Getting started with dashboards

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Time to part ways with your old whiteboard

Request a demo to see exactly how dashboards, along with MANY other features in Passare, can help streamline processes and improve productivity at your funeral home.

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